Weekend Kids Meals​
During the school year, children in the Bloomer and New Auburn schools can sign up at the school they attend to pick up meals for the weekend. Our goal is to provide 2-5 lbs meal packets for about 60 children each week.

Go Getters
​Health concerns and transportation issues prevent many seniors and adults from accessing the pantry and meal programs. If you need assistance please call us for information!
Phone: 715-568-3733

Birthday Boxes
Sign up a one month before your birthday to receive a birthday bag filled with gifts. You also will receive a cake. This program is for kids 14 and under. New Hope Comforters donate quilts-for the childrenʼs birthday gifts.

Holiday Themed Meals
Several times a year, we try to provide special holiday meals in addition to our regular distribution. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter Families can stop by the pantry to get everything they need for a special holiday meal. Depending on the holiday there will be ham, turkey, or meatballs, stuffing and other delicious foods.

Bloomer Mayo Clinic Health System
The Mayo Clinic occasionally sends a nurse to conduct blood pressure tests, blood sugar tests, and check other health related issues. The nurse also gives tips on healthy eating habits.

Services We Provide
Community Service Hours
​Are you in need of community service hours? Student organizations, and those with court appointed needs have met their community service requirements at the food pantry. They have completed tasks such as stocking shelves, sorting food, and other various help at the food pantry. If interested in volunteering to complete community service hours please contact the pantry at 715-568-3733.